Digital X-Rays
Since 1998, Tennessee Valley Endodontics has utilized low-dose, digital radiography for diagnosis and treatment of endodontic infections. The technology utilizes a specially designed computer sensor that replaces dental x-ray film. When the sensor is exposed to low-dose x-rays, it generates a radiographic image that is instantaneously viewable. It can be enlarged, highlighted, enhanced, inverted and manipulated to focus on anatomical areas vital to proper diagnosis and treatment. The enhancement tools, the drastically reduced radiation exposure (up to 90% reduction compared to conventional dental film radiographs) and the ability to share information with your restorative dentist via printed report or real-time e-mailed images greatly enhances collaboration and restorative planning.

If your dentist has taken recent x-rays, you may request that they forward them to our office to assist in your diagnosis and treatment planning. This extra step can help us better serve your specific needs by providing historical information about the area to be examined. During our evaluation and any subsequent treatment, we will take new digital x-rays to assess the current status of the area.
Patient Benefits of Digital Radiography
- Reduced exposure to x-ray radiation
- Less waiting time – images are instantly viewable
- Shorter appointments (no films to develop)
- Environmentally friendly (no developing chemicals)
- Better understanding of treatment (radiograph viewable on large computer / TV screen, promotes discussion of tooth-related problems and recommended treatment.
My general dentist already took an x-ray, is another dental x-rays really necessary?
YES. Many diseases, lesions and conditions can only be detected with the use of dental radiographs. It is impossible to see directly between the teeth or under the gums or bone without the use of a dental x-rays. While the radiograph from your dentist may give historical or other pertinent information about the area in question, it may not show changes or current status. Digital radiographs taken in our office also have the added benefit of the tools available with the digital software. Utilizing these tools, the area in question can be enlarged, enhanced, inverted, displayed on a large screen and discussed in detail.
How often should I have dental x-rays?
Dental x-rays are prescribed based on the needs of the individual. The dentist must weigh the benefits of disease detection against the risk of radiation exposure. There are guidelines published by the American Dental Association that are used to aid the dentist in prescribing the number, type, and frequency of dental radiographs. However, the dentist knows each patient’s health history and susceptibility to oral disease and is in the best position to make this professional judgment in the interest of each patient. For example, a patient with a high decay rate will need x-rays more frequently than a patient without such disease.
How often should children have dental x-rays?
There is no set time interval between x-ray exposures. The radiographic exam should be based on the needs of the individual child. For example, children with decay will need x-rays more frequently than children without decay. Can I refuse x-rays and be treated without them? No. Treatment without the necessary radiographs is considered negligence. If a patient refuses to have necessary dental x-rays taken, then the dentist must refuse to provide patient care.
Can the dentist use my x-rays from my previous dentist?
Yes. If the x-rays are of good diagnostic quality and are recent enough, then the dentist may use them for the oral radiographic examination and treatment planning. However, new radiographs will be required if root canal treatment has been started or attempted. Additional radiographs may still be necessary depending on the needs of the individual.
How are x-rays measured?
Just like there are ways of measuring distance in miles or kilometers and weight in pounds or kilograms, there are ways to measure x-ray exposure. The roentgen is a way of measuring radiation exposure. The amount of energy absorbed by tissue is termed the rad or radiation absorbed dose.
How much radiation will I receive from dental x-rays?
We are exposed to radiation every day from various sources such as; airplane travel, high altitudes, radon gases and home appliances.
Source |
Estimated Exposure (mSV*) |
Dental radiographs Bitewings (4 films) Full-mouth series (about 19 films) |
0.038 0.150 |
Medical radiographs Lower GI series Upper GI series Chest |
4.060 2.440 0.080 |
Natural, Cosmic (Outer Space) Radiation Average radiation from outer space In Denver, CO |
0.510 (per year) |
Earth and Atmospheric Radiation Average radiation in the U.S. from Natural sources |
3.000 (per year) |
Source: Adapted from Frederiksen NL. X-Rays: What is the Risk? Texas Dental Journal. 1995;112(2):68-72. *A millisievert (mSV) is a unit of measure that allows for some comparison between radiation sources that expose the entire body (such as natural background radiation) and those that only expose a portion of the body (such as radiographs).
Why do you use a lead apron?
It is important that we do everything that we can to reduce the amount of radiation exposure when a patient has dental x-rays taken. The lead in the lead apron with the lead thyroid collar actually prevents the scatter radiation from reaching the radiosensitive organs such as reproductive, blood forming, and thyroid tissues.
Should dental x-rays be taken during pregnancy?
The accepted cumulative dose of ionizing radiation during pregnancy is 5 rad (.05 Sv). According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, you would need 50,000 dental x-ray examinations to reach the 5-rad cumulative dose to the fetus. The decision to order films during pregnancy is a personal one. Because of the relatively low dose, it is not expected that there will be any harm to the fetus. However, many dentists elect to postpone the radiographic exposures, limiting to those needed to treat the patient during the pregnancy (symptomatic teeth or active decay).
Why does the dental radiographer leave the room when x-rays are used?
Dental x-rays should only be used when the benefit of disease detection far outweighs the risk of any dental x-ray exposure. The dental radiographer will not benefit from the exposure to the x-rays so the best protective measure is to maintain adequate distance and shielding.
Can’t my dental office use one large extraoral panoramic radiograph instead of several of the smaller intraoral radiographs?
No. A panoramic radiograph cannot be used as a substitute for intraoral radiographs of the area in question. The panoramic radiograph gives an overall view of all the teeth and jaws and can be helpful in treatment planning. It does not, however, show as much detail of the tooth and adjacent anatomy as an intraoral radiograph.
Who owns my dental radiographs?
The dental record, including all of the dental radiographs belong to the dentist; however, the patient is entitled to a copy of the dental radiographs.